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Progressive Cavity Pumps

Tuskin ADD*FLO PCA PumpsProgressive Cavity Pumps

• Adaptable mounting design accommodates most controls
• Simple design for effortless cleaning and low maintenance
• Pumps light, heavy or viscous fluids including liquid color
• Portable, lightweight and durable
• Pump is available in multiple sizes

The ADD*FLO series Progressive Cavity Pump is of a simple design with a single moving part. There is no reciprocating motion and no vibration. The need for check valves is eliminated.   ADD*FLO series pumps can easily pump any pourable liquid ranging from zero viscosity to 100,000 centipoise. The engineering of the pump prevents clogging from viscous or heavily loaded liquids. Accuracy is within one hundredth of a gram whether pumping drops or high volumes of liquid.

The ADD*FLO Progressive Cavity Pump accommodates speed ranges from one to 1200 RPMs, depending upon the design of the drive. It has an easily adaptable mounting design which can accommodate a wide variety of control configurations.  The ADD*FLO pump by Tuskin can be custom engineered to fit any special application including pressures up to 400 psi and temperatures up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

The ADD*FLO Progressive Cavity Pump can be ordered as a Horizontal Mount or Drum/Tote Pump.  Horizontal pumps come in two coupling configurations for connecting to the motor/control system.  The “H” style pump uses a motor coupling and the “HP” style pump uses a gear coupling.

Order with the TC-101 Control for a complete liquid color pump.  We have designs for direct mount to the control as well as designs for remote mount that allow the control to be positioned

Horizontal Mount Progressive Cavity Pump

Drum Pumps and Tote Pumps


H-style Progressive cavity with TC-101 Control

H-style Progressive cavity with TC-101 Control

Drum Pump



HP-style Progressive cavity with TC-101 Control and HP Bracket






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